Monday, November 24, 2008

A Step Further

I just finished reading A Step Further, a book by Joni Eareckson Tada and Steve Estes. For those unfamiliar with it, Joni broke her neck in a diving accident when she was 17 and has been a quadriplegic (paralysed from neck down) and confined to a wheelchair for more than 35 years now. I remember reading her autobiography, Joni, as a young teen and being very impressed and touched.

In A Step Further, Joni shares her initial frustration and anger with God, the longing and search for physical healing and restoration and then the acceptance, learning to trust God in her condition. There are only 186 pages in the book, pretty easy reading but I took quite a long time - interrupted reading. Here's a short summary:

Part 1 autobiographical on the physical, emotional and spiritual struggle of of being quadriplegic;
Part 2 learning to trust God in the midst of suffering;
Part 3 reconciling the often conflicting advice, instruction, "teachings" that well-meaning Christians gave on healing;
Part 4 is called "When the Pieces Don't Fit" - Let God be God
Part 5 "When it all Fits Together" - Heaven

I found the sharing, insights and illustrations very helpful. Discussion on theological issues are put in simple everyday language - easy to read and digest. She also includes a list of other books on the topic. A highly recommended read. Joni's sharing made me think of heaven and long for the day when,

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelations 21:4