Thursday, December 18, 2008


Oopherectomy is a new word I learnt this year, it means the surgical removal of ovaries.

When Dr KW first spoke to me about hormonal therapy, she asked if we planned to have any more children. I gave an emphatic "No". Reuben and I are outnumbered as it is... haha! Since I'm done with all my child-bearing, I have no issues undergoing hormonal therapy.

My cancer is hormone receptor positive - the hormone estrogen in my body turns on and stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. Hormonal therapy (or "anti-estrogen therapy) blocks this stimulation and growth.

The drug most commonly in hormonal therapy is tamoxifen. It blocks estrogen receptors on the cells. Another type of drug which is more effective in my type of cancer is the aromatase inhibitor (AI)which lowers estrogen production. Estrogen is normally produced by the ovaries and also by fat cells in the body. AI is only effective in post-menopausal women (when estrogen is no longer produced by the ovaries).

So in order for the aromatase inhibitor to work well, i have to become post-menopausal. There are 3 ways to achieve this:

  1. taking a drug Zolodex by injection into the abdominal fats every 3 months to suppress the ovaries - expensive option as I will take this for 5 years. Also pointless as after stopping this drug I will be 49 and going into menopause anyway;
  2. having ovaries "zapped" by radiation to inactivate them - easiest and least invasive but the radiologist says it may not always work;
  3. taking the ovaries out by surgery - oopherectomy! - most effective option.
So I will be having a key-hole surgery the week after Christmas to remove my ovaries. It will be a day surgery. Will post date later.

1 Thess 5:16-18 Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.