Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Friday April 26th - During our appointment with Dr Karen Yap when she confirmed my cancer diagnosis, we spoke about what the next step would be. I wanted to know when we should do surgery. She said I should see an oncologist first to decide on the course of treatment. Chemotherapy may come first to shrink the tumour before surgery. She referred me to Dr Karmen Wong. In the meantime, more tests were ordered.

Friday evening was tough. We had received much information, offers of help, many anecdotal sharing from friends and family of their own cancer treatment (surgery first before chemo). Reuben's good friend, Dr Peter Choong, invited us to visit the Peter Macallum Cancer institute in Melbourne where he works. He would make the arrangements and even offered to put us up at his place.

I was very unsure about it - going to Australia for treatment would mean separation from the children for a prolonged period of time! It also meant extra expense. I was resistant to the idea although everyone else urged me to go.

I was very unwilling to run and chase every lead and grasp at every straw. I needed time to digest the information and think. We prayed for clear direction and leading.

Late Friday night I agreed to go to Australia. It was the assurance from Reuben that this is only for a second opinion before we make any decisions that gave me freedom to go.

Saturday 27 April 2008 - Went to the SIA office first thing in the morning to redeem 2 tickets to Melbourne, leaving Singapore Sun night. Proceeded to pick up PET scan results and images from Dr Karen Yap's clinic.

Then off to see Dr Karmen Wong, the oncologist - a fellow believer. We liked Dr Wong the moment we met her. She's open, looks you in the eye, straight talking. She didn't shove a treatment plan down our throats but explained different cancer cells, options for treating each. Results for another set of test for the cancer was due back only on Mon so we could not proceed much further.

We mentioned wanting to get a second opinion in Melbourne and she gave us 2 oncologists to contact. In fact, she called them up on Monday to make appointments for me! We left her office feeling better.

We thank God for the people He provided to help us, Dr Karen Yap and Dr Koh Wan Lin from our church, Dr Karmen Wong a fellow Christian.

My dear sisters from BSF - Siew Lian, Lee Ling, Tai Wan and Joyce came to pray with and for me late that night.