Saturday, May 10, 2008

Down Under 2

Tue 29 Apr - Fri 2 May 2008 - In Melbourne, Reuben and I spent some quality time together - talking, discussing, praying. We prayed for clear direction from the Lord on treatment options.

Wed 30 April 2008 - The cancer institute social worker called. The institute was willing to undertake my treatment free of charge! Wow, I was overwhelemed by this provision from the Lord, totally unasked for although He knew my anxiety.

Appointment with Dr Pru Francis - the key component in my treatment Herceptin was costly and would not be covered by the institute - we would have to appeal to Medicare. There was an option of participating in a 15-mth clinical trial and the drugs will be free. Knowing that the Medicare door was closed to us, and not wanting to separate the family, we discussed, prayed with Pastor Chris and knew God was leading us back to Singapore for treatment.

While in Melbourne, we had privilege to enjoy fellowship and hospitality of relatives and friends. We visited with mum's brothers and sisters-in-law Leslie and Irene and Teck Leng and Chow Wan and their families. Aunty Irene organised a 14 course get-together dinner where we got to meet our cousins and their children.

We had dinner with Carol - my very good friend from primary school, Sunday school, youth group - and her husband Dr Alan Tan and their children. We also had dinner with Jensen and Yvonne Low - ex Prinsep members - and family who relocated to Melbourne.

In between I went for MRI scan of the brain and heart imaging - PTL! (Praise the Lord) cancer has not spread to the brain and my heart is healthy!

We arrived home in Singapore at about 5 pm on Saturday 3rd May to the surprise and delight of the children.