Today I read of a woman who's planning to shave all her long hair off at a fund raiser for the children's cancer fund. Her hair will be donated to make wigs for children with cancer. That is a brave and magnanimous woman - she has a choice and she's choosing to lose it for someone else.
This morning, as I brushed my hair, more hair fell out. Being kind of free, I sat in the bathroom and counted them out. There were approx 300 strands of hair that fell out (I lost count after 200+).
Did you know that an average human head has 100,000 hair follicles? I don't know whether someone actually counted them up. I do know Jesus said that even the very hairs on our head are numbered (see below) - He knows the exact number i have! I don't think even my very loving husband would want to count the hairs on my head.
Matthew 10:29-31 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
As a child, i used to dislike my head of very curly spiral-curl hair. When i was little, my mum used to keep my hair very short ("Yankee style" she would tell the hair-dresser) as she did not have time to help me brush. Each time my hair started to grow a bit unruly (other kids and even teachers would tease me, calling me a gollywog), I would get it all cut off. I kept that hairstyle until I was in my late teens.
In Australia, as a student, I began to appreciate my curls and decided to let my hair grow out. After 2 years, I had shoulder length hair. Often when people meet me for the first time or even total strangers would inevitably ask me "Is your hair naturally curly?" followed by "Are you chinese?" when I answer in the affirmative. Other questions follow, "Have you ever tried straightening it?"; or advice like "You can always try re-bonding."; still others would comfort me with "think of the money you save in perming".
I am actually quite happy with my hair so it's going to be an interesting experience losing it all and re-growing it.