Sunday, May 11, 2008


Thanks to those who read and gave feedback on by blog. I may have lost some of you in the midst of all my rambling - some people thought I was still in Melbourne! Here's a summary.

Sat, 3 May - arrived home in Singapore about 5 pm
Mon, 5 May - saw the oncologist and the ENT specialist. Will wait for FISH test results before starting chemo.
Tue, 6 May - started chemotherapy.

My breast cancer is classified as Stage 3 since there are 4 nodes and 3 lymph nodes involved. I have HER2 positive (3+ve) tumor. It means the tumor has too many Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 gene, making the cells go beserk. It is a very aggressive type of cancer but also very treatable. I am being treated with trastuzumab (Herceptin) which is a monoclonal antibody that targets these tumor cells. I am also being treated with 2 other chemo drugs - taxotere and carboplatin.

I had the first cycle of chemo last Tuesday 6 May and thankfully, the side effects have been minimal so far. Apart from some queasiness, some aches and pains, tiredness, soreness in the throat and gums, I have been well. God is gracious to me. I don't know if the other cycles of chemo will be like this or does the effect get worse?

My hair is due to fall out on day 14 of chemo (20 May). I need to go shop for a wig soon - I joked with the kids that I'll get straight hair and perhaps even a blonde wig. Will post pictures when that takes place.

I'm learning to take things easy, following my body's rhythm. The last 3 days i took a walk with the kids each evening even though I really felt rather lazy.

Reading the bible each morning and praying helps me keep focused. I have had much time to think, reflect on the things I read. I am recalling many things to be thankful for and many past experiences that remind me that God is real, good, trustworthy, faithful.

Today I actually felt hungry! Siew Ling & Eric from church baked a pineapple cake and brought ice cream and we had a lovely tea together!

Happy Mothers' Day!