Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Been feeling under the weather... feverish chills the last 2 nights kept me from sleeping soundly.

I took my temperature this morning - it was 38.6C so i popped 2 Panadol tablets and called Dr KW's clinic. "Please come in for blood tests". I got there about 11.30am and immediately had blood taken then waited for the results. I saw Dr KW at about 12.30pm - blood test results confirm an infection - white blood and red blood count both low.

Dr KW checked my throat and listened to my chest. She ordered intravenous antibiotics. I told her about my aches and pains, bleeding gums, fainting spells, abdominal pain. I hopped onto the couch and she checked my abdomen...

I've been having pain in the right side of my abdomen since Monday night. It's so tender all last night that even walking was painful... The location of the pain made her suspect appendicitis. Oh dear! I had to go and see a gastro surgeon a few stories up. Spent about 1/2 hour there reviewing history, then physical examination. He said it was suspicious but not conclusive - so I was sent to have a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis. If the scan confirms appendicitis, we would have to have surgery immediately to take it out! The surgeon booked an operating theatre and booked me a room.

I was discouraged and tearing as I walked over to have the scan. I prayed that it will not be appendicitis. My friend Ling Ling heard i was at the doctors and came to keep me company. Reuben came later most upset that I may have to have surgery when my immunity is low.

After the scan it was back to Dr KW for my antibiotic drip and wait for the results of my CT scan. Reuben popped in to speak to her and she was most reassuring - we will only proceed with operation if absolutely necessary. Dr KW called the imaging department and spoke to the doctor - good news! I do not have appendicitis after all, I have diverticulitis and Dr KW added another antibiotic to my regime.

It's been a day of lows but God is good, he sent an my friend Ling Ling to sit with me and minister to me.